Today is the WORLD DISABILITY DAY and Sickle cell warriors can be classified as disabled.
To be classified as disabled, you need to display some of the characteristics described below
1.Painful sickle cell crises requiring intravenous or intramuscular narcotic medication, at least six times in the past 12 months, with each crisis at least 30 days apart (also called vaso-occlusive or thrombotic crises).
2.Complications requiring hospitalization at least three times in the past 12 months. Each hospitalization must last 48 hours and occur at least 30 days apart. (Examples of complications include aplastic episodes, hemolytic crises, strokes, heart problems, kidney failure, liver failure, or pneumonia.)
3.Anemia that is severe and chronic, with hemoglobin measurements of 7.0 g/dL or less, measured at least three times within a 12-month period, with each measurement at least 30 days apart
4.Beta thalassemia major that requires life-long red blood cell transfusions at least once every six weeks.
5. As to mental and cognitive abilities, chronic pain in the bones or joints due to sickle cell disease may make it difficult to maintain concentration throughout tasks. Crises, which are common in many people with sickle cell anemia, can cause significant fluctuations in individuals' ability to function in the workplace. And depression from reoccurring and/or chronic pain is common in sickle cell disease, which can cause problems with performance, including concentrating, keeping pace, remembering instructions, and interacting with others appropriately.
6. Someone with sickle cell anemia might include limitations such as avoidance of strenuous exertion and exposure to cold. If you have a hematocrit of less than 30% due to anemia, your residual function capacity should be for sedentary (sit-down) work. In addition, pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath may affect one's ability to do any physical work or even work that requires increased standing or walking. Those who suffer from a decrease in eyesight could be limited in the type of work they can do.
7. Some patients develop very painful leg ulcers which render them immobile. These too affects thier ability live a normal day to day life.
I could just go on and on with these research. So let's show some love to all the warriors who have been fighting this long term condition and are still fighting it.
Emeli's Smile Sickle Cell Foundation recently carried out thier end of year project in Bamenda - Cameroon. Details of that visit will be coming to you shortly. We are here to help and support children and youths battling sickle cell disease in Cameroon. Very powerful team of nurses and doctors came out to support these kids. We can't thank them enough for rendering thier time and service during this crisis moment